Hester van Bruggen and Ward Ferdinandusse: “Incitement to Genocide: a Case in a National Court”

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Hester van Bruggen is a senior Public Prosecutor in the National Division of the Dutch Department of Prosecutions. From 2006, she has worked on Dutch investigations, prosecutions and extraditions concerning genocide, war crimes and torture. Since 2015 she has been posted to Rome, Italy, as a liaison magistrate, working on international criminal investigations into organized crime.

Professor (by special appointment) Ward Ferdinandusse (LLM, PhD) works as a senior Public Prosecutor in the National Division of the Dutch Department of Prosecutions and teaches International Criminal Law at the University of Groningen. Ferdinandusse has studied law at the University of Amsterdam, Columbia University and New York University. He authored a book "Direct application of international criminal law in national courts" and has published extensively on international criminal law in various Dutch and international law journals. Since 2004, he has worked on a number of Dutch prosecutions and extraditions concerning genocide, war crimes, torture, terrorism and organized crime.