Déclaration: 18 février 2010

Statement by Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo in relation to the 18 February 2010 Pre-Trial Chamber II decision regarding the situation in Kenya

Déclaration: 18.02.2010

Statement by Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo in relation to the 18 February 2010 Pre-Trial Chamber II decision regarding the situation in Kenya

Under the Rome Statute, the Judges are entitled to ask for more information on the Prosecution request to open an investigation in Kenya.

This is a standard procedure in a court of justice. The Judges will decide independently on the Prosecution request. In order to fulfill all their legal obligations, the Judges are requesting more clarity on which crimes and which persons should be prosecuted.

We have information in our possession in answer to these questions and we will provide the answers to the Judges immediately. There is more information from the Waki Commission including names that we can share with the Judges.

I understand the concerns in Kenya, but this is just part of due process. We have a strong case and we are ready to go as soon as we get the green light.

Source: Bureau du Procureur