Filing on behalf of Mr. William Samoei Ruto Indicating Live Witnesses for the Confirmation of Charges Hearing


19 July 2011 | Defence | Submission

Affaire: The Prosecutor v. William Samoei Ruto, Henry Kiprono Kosgey and Joshua Arap Sang
Situation: Situation in the Republic of Kenya

Classé au cours de la Pre-trial phase


Document: English (465.16 Ko | 6 Pages)

Documents Connexes

25 juillet 2011, Order to the Defence to Reduce the Number of Witnesses to Be Called to Testify at the Confirmation of Charges Hearing and to Submit an Amended List of Viva Voce Witnesses (730.46 Ko | 13 Pages)
ICC-01/09-01/11-221 | Chambre préliminaire II