Press Release: 28 January 2008

Deputy Prosecutor of the ICC meets AU Commission Chairperson in Addis Ababa


Press Release

Deputy Prosecutor of the ICC meets AU Commission Chairperson in Addis Ababa


International Criminal Court (ICC) Deputy Prosecutor Mrs. Fatou Bensouda met January 26 with African Union Commission Chairperson H.E. Alpha Oumar Konaré.

The meeting took place while Mrs. Bensouda was in Ethiopia to participate in a consultation on issues relating to women in Darfur, organised by the NGO Femmes Africa Solidarité to coincide with the beginning of the 11th African Union Summit.

“This was a fruitful discussion in which we reaffirmed the common goals of the ICC and the AU” declared Mrs. Bensouda at the end of the meeting. “Together we have a shared commitment: to end impunity - on the African continent, and worldwide” she added. 

"Our continued cooperation with international organizations such as the African Union is crucial to giving effect to the decisions of the Court’’ said Mrs. Bensouda.

The International Criminal Court is an independent, permanent court that investigates and prosecutes persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concern, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.    

For more information please contact:

Ms Nicola Fletcher, Media Liaison Officer
at +31 (0)70 515 8071, cell +31 (0)65 089 0473  email:
[email protected]  

Source: Office of the Prosecutor

Source: Office of the Prosecutor | Contact: [email protected]