Media Advisory: 7 December 2009

Appeals Chamber to deliver its judgment on the legal characterisation of the facts, in the Lubanga case, on 8 December, 2009


Situation: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Case: The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo

On Tuesday, 8 December, 2009, at 4.30 p.m. (The Hague local time), the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court will deliver its judgment concerning the appeals of both the Defence of Mr Lubanga Dyilo and the Prosecutor against the "Decision giving notice to the parties and participants that the legal characterisation of the facts may be subject to change in accordance with Regulation 55(2) of the Regulations of the Court" of Trial Chamber I, dated 14 July, 2009.

Following the appeals sought by the two parties, Trial Chamber I decided, on 2 October, 2009, to adjourn the presentation of the evidence of the Defence in the trial of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo to await the decision of the Appeals Chamber. The Chamber found that "Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo should know whether or not the legal characterisation of the facts may be subject to change, so as to include the elements of sexual slavery, inhuman treatment and cruel treatment".

According to a decision issued by Trial Chamber I on 30 November, 2009, the trial will resume on 6 January, 2010, with the Defence’s presentation of its case.

Practical information

All journalists or other persons wishing to attend this status conference are welcome. No confirmation is required.

The courtroom proceedings can be followed on the ICC website at:

Courtroom I:

Please note there will be no delay in transmission.

For further information please contact Ms Sonia Robla, Head of Public Information and Documentation Section at +31 (0)70 515-8089 or +31 (0) 6 46 44 87 26 or at [email protected].