Alfred Yekatom

About Defendant

National of the Central African Republic, born on 23 January 1975 in Bimbo. Former caporal-chef in the Forces Armées Centrafricaines, and a member of parliament in the CAR. Allegedly commanding a group of around 3,000 members operating within the Anti-Balaka movement. Also known as "Alfred Saragba", "Rombhot", "Rambo", "Rambot", "Rombot", "Rhombot", "Rombo", or "Romboht".

Accused LastName
Accused FirstName
Accused Order

Mr Yekatom is alleged to be responsible for crimes committed in this context in various locations in the CAR, including Bangui and the Lobaye Prefecture, between 5 December 2013 and August 2014, as follows:

  • crimes against humanity: murder, deportation or forcible transfer of population, imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty, torture, persecution, and other inhumane acts; and

  • war crimes: murder, torture and cruel treatment, mutilation, intentional attack against the civilian population, intentional attack against buildings dedicated to religion, enlistment of children under the age of 15 years and their use to participate actively in hostilities, displacement of the civilian population and destruction of the adversary's property.

ICC Created timestamp
Defendant Image main
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Primary Accused
ICC Original Author ID
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Accused States
Case Name Colloquial
Phase of Case
Situation Name Colloquial
Defendant site URL
Initial Order
Case reference