Decision on ‘Prosecution Submission of Evidence Pursuant to Rule 68(2)(c) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence’


12 novembre 2015 | Chambre de première instance VII | Décision

Case: Le Procureur c. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu et Narcisse Arido
Situation: Situation en République centrafricaine

Filed during the Procès phase


Document: Anglais (594.13 KB | 10 Pages)


ICC-01/05-01/13-1481-Red-Corr-Anx, Annex to the Decision on ‘Prosecution Submission of Evidence Pursuant to Rule 68(2)(c) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence’
Anglais (191.41 KB | 2 Pages)

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12 November 2015, Decision on ‘Prosecution Submission of Evidence Pursuant to Rule 68(2)(c) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence’ (594.13 KB | 10 Pages)
ICC-01/05-01/13-1481-Red-Corr | Trial Chamber VII