Michael Scharf - Contributions and Impact of Ad Hoc Tribunals on International Criminal Law

Guest lecture:

Michael Scharf
Michael Scharf has been the Dean of Case Western Reserve University's School of Law since 2013. He is also the Joseph C. Hostetler—BakerHostetler Professor of Law, and serves as Managing Director of the Public International Law and Policy Group, a Nobel Peace Prize-nominated NGO. He has led transitional justice projects in Uganda, Cote d'Ivoire, Libya, and Turkey (for Syria), and maritime piracy-related projects in Kenya, Mauritius, and The Seychelles.

In 2008, Scharf served as Special Assistant to the Prosecutor of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. During the Bush Sr. and Clinton Administrations, he served in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State, where he held the positions of, among others, Attorney-Adviser for United Nations Affairs, and delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. During this period, he received the Meritorious Honor Award for the role he played in the creation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

Scharf is the author of 19 books, the most recent being "The Impact of the Ad Hoc Tribunals on the International Criminal Court," which he co-edited with Milena Sterio. Three of his publications have won national book of the year honors, and he is ranked among the twenty most-cited authors in the field of International Law since 2010.