Defence Request to invite Government of Libya to submit unequivocal and binding undertakings concerning the national security proceedings against Mr. Gaddafi


12 June 2013 | Defence | Request

Case: The Prosecutor v. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Al-Senussi
Situation: Situation in Libya

Filed during the Pre-trial phase


Document: English (599.9 KB | 8 Pages)

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6 June 2013, Response to “Public and Redacted Leave to reply to 'Libyan Government's Response to Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi 'Addendum to the Urgent Defence Request of 21 January 2013, and Request for Finding of Non-Compliance''" (519.55 KB | 9 Pages)
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3 July 2013, Response to “Defence Request to invite Government of Libya to submit unequivocal and binding undertakings concerning the national security proceedings against Mr Gaddafi'" (506.11 KB | 6 Pages)
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