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Court records and transcripts

  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber
  • ICC-01/14-186
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber
  • ICC-02/11-68
The Prosecutor v. Alfred Yekatom and Patrice-Edouard Ngaïssona
  • Decision
  • Presidency
  • ICC-01/14-01/18-2411
  • Notification
  • Pre-Trial Chamber
  • ICC-02/04-258
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber
  • ICC-01/05-110
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber
  • ICC-01/09-176
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber
  • ICC-02/05-261
Situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber
  • ICC-02/17-222
The Prosecutor v. Alfred Yekatom and Patrice-Edouard Ngaïssona
  • Request
  • Defence: Ngaïssona
  • ICC-01/14-01/18-2238-Red
The Prosecutor v. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud
  • Request
  • Defence: Al Hassan
  • ICC-01/12-01/18-2590
The Prosecutor v. Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman ("Ali Kushayb")
  • Decision
  • Trial Chamber
  • ICC-02/05-01/20-1100
The Prosecutor v. Dominic Ongwen
  • Decision
  • Presidency
  • ICC-02/04-01/15-2079
  • Decision
  • Presidency
  • ICC-01/12-73
The Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé
  • Decision
  • Presidency
  • ICC-02/11-01/15-1449
Situation in the Plurinational State of Bolivia
  • Decision
  • Presidency
  • ICC-02/20-5
  • Decision
  • Presidency
  • ICC-02/05-01/07-93