Court Records

The Prosecutor v. Philip Kipkoech Bett
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber A
  • ICC-01/09-01/15-61
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber A
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-61
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Request
  • Office of the Prosecutor
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-59
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Response
  • Office of the Prosecutor
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-58
The Prosecutor v. Philip Kipkoech Bett
  • Observations
  • Defence
  • ICC-01/09-01/15-53
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Observations
  • Defence: Gicheru
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-53
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber A
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-51-Red
The Prosecutor v. Philip Kipkoech Bett
  • Request
  • Defence
  • ICC-01/09-01/15-50
The Prosecutor v. Philip Kipkoech Bett
  • Response
  • Office of the Prosecutor
  • ICC-01/09-01/15-52
The Prosecutor v. Philip Kipkoech Bett
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber A
  • ICC-01/09-01/15-51-Red
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Request
  • Defence: Gicheru
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-50
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Response
  • Office of the Prosecutor
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-52
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Notification
  • Registrar
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-48
The Prosecutor v. Paul Gicheru
  • Submission
  • Office of Public Counsel for Defence
  • ICC-01/09-01/20-47
The Prosecutor v. Philip Kipkoech Bett
  • Submission
  • Office of Public Counsel for Defence
  • ICC-01/09-01/15-47
The Prosecutor v. Philip Kipkoech Bett
  • Decision
  • Pre-Trial Chamber A
  • ICC-01/09-01/15-43